Interactive Rust Coding: Building SnakeGPT Chatbot and WebAssembly Integration

Join Corey as we explore the world of Rust programming, BattleSnake gaming, and chatbot building in this recorded live stream of Snake GPT project development from April 23, 2023. Corey provides a detailed step-by-step guide to creating an interactive chatbot for Battle Snake - an online programming game. Get some hands-on knowledge about enabling WebAssembly (wasm) support and creating shared structures for front-end and back-end using wasm-bindgen and other dependencies. This session is all about troubleshooting, learning, experimenting, and resolving issues related to database functionalities, missing tables, and connection errors. Buckle up for some real-time coding in Rust, including implementing polling, fixing format errors, and deploying projects. Stay tuned for a surprise raid in the end on another streamer's work. Don't miss out!

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