From Idea to Deployment: Creating a Rust/WASM-Powered Text Formatter in Real-Time

Join Corey on a coding adventure as he builds a unique Rust and WebAssembly project from scratch! In this stream, watch as he develops a handy tool for formatting those long, heartfelt emails we all love to send to our friends. 🖋️ Pen Pal Formatter: Where Technology Meets Tradition Ever struggle with formatting those lengthy catch-up emails to old friends? Corey's got you covered! Follow along as he creates a Rust-powered, WASM-enabled text formatter designed to streamline those personal, essay-like messages we cherish. 🚀 What you'll see: Rust programming in action WebAssembly (WASM) frontend development Real-time problem-solving and debugging Deployment to 💡 Highlights: Setting up a Rust project with WASM capabilities Implementing text formatting logic Creating a simple yet effective user interface Tackling Docker deployment challenges Whether you're a Rust enthusiast, curious about WebAssembly, or just love seeing cool projects come to life, this stream has something for everyone. Watch Corey navigate the intricacies of full-stack development, turning a simple idea into a functional tool. Don't forget to check out Corey's 'Bytes' - bite-sized coding challenges to keep your skills sharp! Grab your favorite beverage, settle in, and let's dive into the world of Rust, WASM, and the art of digital letter writing!

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